Seznam přispěvatelů

Aziz Al-Azmeh AA
University of Exeter

Alison Brown ABr
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London

J. H. Burns JHB
University College London

Julia Annas JEA
University of Arizona

Peter D. Anthony PDA
University College, Cardiff

Shlomo Avineri SA
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

J. Burrow JWB
University of Sussex

Margaret Canovan MEC
University of Keele

Terence Bali TB
University of Minnesota

April Carter AFC
Banbury, Oxon

Terrell Carver TC
University of Bristol

Benjamin R. Barber BRB
Rutgers University

Rodney Barker RB
London School of Economics

Jonathan Barnes JB
Baliol College, Oxford

Alan Cawson AC
University of Sussex

Janet Coleman JC
London School of Economics

Brian Barry BMB
London School of Economics

David Beetham DB
University of Leeds

William E. Connolly WEC
The Jonhs Hopkins University

Diana Coole DHC
University of Leeds

Ronald Beiner RSB
University of Toronto

James Cotton JSC
Australian National University

Maurice Cranston MC
London School of Economics

Richard Bellamy RPB
University of Edinburgh

Antony Black AB
University of Dundee

Michael H. Crawford MHC
University College London

Alfonso J. Damico AJD
University of Florida
Anthony Brewer AAB
University of Bristol

Eugene Kamenka EK
Australian National University

David Kettler OK
Trent University, Ontario

Jerome B. King JBK
University of Massachusetts

Preston King PK
University of Lancaster

Baruch Knei-Paz BK
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Issac Kramnick IK
Cornell University

Nicola Lacey NML
New College, Oxford

A. Laurence Le Quesne ALLeQ

Jack Lively JL
University of Warwick

Sleven Lukes SL
European University lnstitute, Florence

Neil MacCormick NMacC
University of Edinburgh

Don Markwell OJM
Merton College, Oxford

Geoffrey Marshall GM
The Queen's College, Oxford

Roger D. Masters RDM
Dartmouth College, New Hampshire

David McLellan DTMcL
University of Kent at Canterbury

Robert J. McShea RJMcS
Boston University

Wilson C. McWilliams WCMcW
Rutgers University

Keith Middlemas KM
Univer.fity of Sussex

David Miller DLM
Nuffield College, Oxford

Robin Milner-Gulland RRM-G
University of Sussex

Cary J. Nederman CJN
University of Canterbury, NZ

Robert Nisbet RN
Columbia University

Noel O'Sullivan NO'S
University of Hull

William Outhwaite WO
University of Sussex

Thomas L. Pangle TLP
University of Toronto

Bhikhu C. Parekh BCP
University of Hull

David Parket DP
University of Leeds

Geraint Parry GP
University of Manchester

Mark Philp MP
Oriel College, Oxford

Hanna Fenichel Pitkin HFP
University of Califomia, Berkeley

Raymond Plant RP
University of Southampton

Leon Pompa LP
University of Birmingham

David Paul Rebovich DPR
Rider College, New Jersey

Andrew Reeve AWR
University of Warwick

Melvin Richter MR
City University of New York

Patrick Riley PR
University of Wisconsin

Alan Ritter AIR
Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut

John C. Robertson JCR
St. Hugh 's College, Oxford

F. Rosen FR
University College London

Nancy L. Rosenblum NLR
Brown University

Alan Ryan AR
Princeton University

Lyman Tower Sargent LTS
University oj Missouri, St. Louis

David Lewis Schaefer DLS
College of the Holy Cros, Massachusetts

Gordon J. Schochet GJS
Rutgers University

Morton Schoolman MS
State University of New York at Albany

R. Andrew Sharp RAS
University of Auckland

Jeremy Shearmur JS
George Mason University

Garrett W. Sheldon GS
University of Virginia

L. A. Siedentop LAS
Keble College, Oxord

G. W. Smith GWS
University of Lancaster

John Stanley JLS
University of California, Riverside

Peter G. Stein PGS
Queens' College, Cambridge

Hillel Steiner HS
University of Manchester

Zeev Sternhell ZS
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Tracy B. Strong TBS
University of Kalifornia, San Diego

Barbara Taylor BGT
Keith Taylor KT
Coventry Polytechnic

Richard Tuck RFT
Jesus College, Cambridge

James Tully JT
McGill University

Ursula Vogel VV
University of Manchester

Jeremy Waldron JJW
University of Califomia, Berkeley

Albert Weale APW
University of East Anglia

Stephen K. White SKW
Virginia Polytechnic lnstitute and State University

Beryl Williams BW
University of Sussex

Donald Winch DNW
University of Sussex

Markus H. Worner MHW
University of Galway

Anthony Wright AWW
University of Birmingham

John Zvesper JZ
University of East Anglia

[ZPĚT]       [DÁLE]